Today has been a busy day at work. It's FCAT Season--that once-a-year thrill of open season on our children and education. (Wait a minute--did I say ONCE a year???) The hunt is on for the FCAT. We teach the students to "have no fear...stomp that FCAT". Ummm..yeah...ok....
Look at it this way. How would YOU like to have your entire career or job judged every year by ONE test of your ability? Would it really sum up what you know, how you do, & who you are at your job?? And what if you happen to feel lousy that day? Worse yet, imagine yourself accidentally bubbling in the WRONG bubbles because you just happened to skip a row?? BUT YOUR JOB DEPENDS ON ONE TEST!!!! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???
I don't even teach a grade that involves FCAT. However, my kids still feel the stress of walking around on eggshells to go anywhere in the school while the older kids are testing. Since my students are Second graders, they get a really good sampling of test tension before they have to take the Stanford-10 in about a month. I could go on & on about the politics of FCAT & anything else in education. But it really comes down to this: Nobody cares enough to put a stop to the merry-go-round. Honestly, I'm not even sure anyone has the power. It has become a creature all of its own.
Speaking of politics...I'm very concerned about the HPV news. I'm a former preacher's daughter. (Yeah, Daddy's retired.) Due to my "preacherese" upbringing, I understand where the conservative parents are coming FROM, but I don't think they realize what their daughters could be heading TO. I keep listening to reports about HPV. Out of all of the reports, I only hear concerns by parents about children thinking a small series of shots means "Hey! Now I can have sex! Everyone into the pool!" They and the media are missing a very important point, (at least so far from what I've heard. If you all have heard differently, please let me know.)
NO ONE has pointed out that these daughters could be victims of sexual abuse or rape!!! NO ONE has pointed out that in spite of parents teaching abstinence, everyone knows that MOST teenagers rebel. Now we know that ONE in FOUR girls already has HPV. Gee, folks, does it take a sledge hammer over your heads...or...God forbid...a rape?? It's not telling your kids to go have sex. It's saying, "Heavenforbid anything bad ever happens to you, but if it should, I've done what I can to help protect you!" (And that doesn't even count their own dumb mistakes in the Fallen-in-Love Department!)
I never had daughters. I've had sons & older step-daughters who are in their thirties. But I wouldn't hesitate for one minute to get those shots for my daughter. So, you ask..."how can you dare to say what you would do if you've never had a daughter?" Because I've already been in your DAUGHTER'S shoes...and I've already been in the shoes that belong to "Victim of Violence." My parents were extremely careful in watching out for my well being. They still are, even with me being 44. As careful & conscientious as my parents were, they still couldn't & can't protect me 100% of the time.
But two things have happened in my life to let me know that anything is possible. One was before I was five years old. I still remember. A house was being constructed behind my parents' home. I was playing in the backyard. A construction worker tried to molest me. What if he'd succeeded?? What about HPV? I had no chance for protection THEN. Girls have a chance NOW.
I mentioned I was a victim of violence. Without going into details, I know what rape is. I never in a million years would believe it could happen to ME! Me?? I'm smart (usually...I think). I'm not stupid. But that didn't protect me. Nothing did. You out there who have you think MY mom thought I'd ever be a victim? Does ANYONE think they'll ever be a victim??
Does anyone ever think they'll have a cancerous condition?? I didn't.
DON'T CHOOSE TO BURY YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND!! If you women and daughters out there have the chance to get the shots....DO IT! That would be ONE cancer you could prevent. Three pin pricks vs. a lot of pain. Weigh the balance. Err on the side of caution. Put the love of your child's life first, folks, while you STILL CAN make the difference between life & death!