Thursday, March 8, 2007

A New Thought? No, Just New Meaning

I just came from a blog by a woman named Gretchen. You can visit it at the link I added to the left.

Gretchen taught me something new today. Maybe the right way to put it is...she reminded me of something I knew, but gave it new meaning. Gretchen often posts five things she's thankful for. You may not think that's so unique. But in the every day grind we all go through, I think we often forget the good we have & in what's going on around us. Even more inspiring is the fact that Gretchen thinks to do this in spite of even the "bad" moments. You see, she's lost several special family members this past year. Yet she still finds bright spots out there.

Thanks, Gretchen!

Five Things I Have to Be Thankful for Today:

1. The love of an awesome man. (He picked up the pieces for me, too, Gretchen...)

2. My children (They aren't perfect..they each have their "oddities" or even difficult times they give that's kids for ya!)

3. I'm part of a neat family!

4. We had gorgeous weather! (Here's wavin' atcha Northerners from down here in sunny Tampa! 78 degree high today!)

5. I have a job where I can make the difference in the lives of people...I teach. Today was a good teaching day.

hugs to all, sher


Anonymous said...

Sher... Thank you for your thoughtful and caring comment in my journal.  I really appreciated you visiting and taking the time to do such a nice thing.  I tracked you down here, and put your journal on alert, so I can get to know you better..

God Bless..


Anonymous said...

Gretchen is one of my hero's...I only wish that I could be as strong as she has been....God bless you for mentioning her.
love ya,

Anonymous said...

awww thank you!!
People like you is what helps me get through each day.
