Monday, March 5, 2007

Starrin'....Dr. Love

Hey, Kim! Thanks for the response! (See Kim's blog link in the left column.) You even beat out my DH in leaving me a post!  Speakin' of pajama party, which is kind of like dressin' up  ;-> ...

I promised to tell about Dr. Love & the VCR repairman. I know I told you that my hubby is the type every woman dreams of. I said that, & just now he tells me he doesn't know how to get back to my blog on his laptop. I tell him to save it to Favorites or Bookmark. He says there's too much in there to add it. Thanks, my Knight-in-Tarnished-Armor!  Just for's a kiss-&-tell! hehe...

My DH & I met online. Yeppers!!! Online. Back when Love@aol had only just begun. I had been out late dancing. Figured I'd take one last look at the site & then hit the bed. Something about his picture just pulled at me. And the way he spoke of time with his son..that was love. We ended up emailing one another for about 2 weeks. Then, one day he asked if I'd like to meet him somewhere for coffee or tea.


Wow!!! He didn't say "drinks", as in "alcohol"...not that I don't drink now & then. But, how intriguing. A man who can hold his own over coffee or tea. Safety in numbers, right?..if you've ever met someone in person for the first time. So I told him to meet us up at the Ale House where I'd be with some friends that next week. But after the talking we'd done, I knew the minute he walked in, he was "The One".

During our courtship, I came down with a very nasty type of bug. Happens to us teachers every so often. He called that night & wanted to see me. I told him he'd be better off if he stayed away for a bit. I didn't want him or his son to catch what I had. The stuff I had was awful! He insisted, though, he was coming over. Not too long after, I heard a knock at my apt door. I went to the peephole expecting him, possibly. But I was bewildered! Here was a person...who looked like Someone in a lab coat. And he wouldn't look at the peephole in such a way that I could figure him out. So I asked...of course, "Who's there?" "Eet iz I, Docture Luf," he replied. Huh??? So I asked again...and got the same response. Bear with me here...I'm blonde. It takes a few "WHO is its??" before it dawns on me. Lo, & is my sweetheart...dressed as Dr. Love. "Heeer to take care zuf yu." (Best typed dialect I can do, folks...) He walked in carrying a MONSTROUS doctor's bag...ya know...the real big black doctor's bag you always imagined or saw in movies? But this is actually the real thing, 'cause I find out later it belonged to his grandfather...GREATgrandfather, I believe. (Maybe if he can find my blog, he can correct me on that...right, sweetheart??) And just what DID the doctor order that night? Dr. Love opens his cavernous bag and starts taking out his "remedies". A half gallon of o.j., zinc cough drops (in vogue at the time), the biggest can of chicken noodle soup I'd ever seen, or SINCE seen, a loaf of French bread, and to top it all off...a bouquet of flowers. Yes..all in that one bag! Oh  my gosh..the man still makes me swoon! (Just today he emailed me & told me he wished HE'D had a teacher as cute as me! Sigh...But I digress...sorry...) So Dr. Love took really good care of me that night, in spite of the fact that he did catch what I had. Or was that the NEXT time Dr. Love appeared?? Hmmm...

 And if ya come around when I'm sick, you may still hear Dr. Love taking "caaare uf" me. I could stop there & I'd be happy.

Ya know... I think I will. Still gives me smiles... tears in my eyes...and a glow that won't go away...even six years later. (It's our wedding anniversary this month.) I think I'll go to bed on that thought. Shucks...gonna join Dr. Love!

So..tune in tomorrow for---

"As the VCR Man Rewinds..."

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