Friday, March 2, 2007

Workin' for the Weekend...

Not much to say, but...

Lots to be happy about today, besides just being alive! First, we hired a new teacher for Second grade. Long story short: we've been through six teachers this year in that position. All left for various reasons. We now have someone who is very mature for her age, experienced with 3 yrs teaching, & on the ball. I'm thrilled as our team leader because I now have 29 children (was 30) due to so many teacher changeovers. So does the other Second grade teacher. We didn't want to put the kids through any more changes, so we agreed to do as administration asked: split the class & put 10 more in each of our rooms. Confused??? Trust's been that way since..the beginning of the school year!! Now at least the new teacher will be able to pull some of our kids & work with them. This will give us smaller groups & more one-on-one time. For those of you who don't believe in a class-size amendment, I challenge you to work in my room for the rest of the year. But needless to say, I'm feelin' good about this weekend, knowing that another teacher will be in to help take up some of the workload.

Another reason to be happy~

My hubby is back home. He had to go out to Shreveport on business for four days. I'm very thankful that he's home safe again tonight. The news of the tornadoes & the damage they've done is just horrendous. My thoughts go out to the people who were involved in the demolished high school that made the nat'l news.

 I don't sleep well when my hubby is gone. I didn't...couldn't..fall asleep until 3a.m. on two nights he was gone, and 1 a.m. for the third night he was gone. I was so tired that I didn't hear the alarm & had to call my admin to say I was running late. Welcome home, Baby!!!

Well, there is a gorgeous weekend ahead. Think we'll go for Cuban toast & cafe con leche in Ybor City. Go to the Y. Then maybe take our greyhounds to the beach park on Davis Island. It's too beautiful outside to pass up being out there, although housecleaning is required. Checked out some movies for a movie fest. Yes, life is slow & boring sounding here, but I live for that on the weekends.

Coming up:

~Finish telling about Dr. Love & the VCR repairman! ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't sleep well either when my DH is not beside me! That is the best thing about being big pajama party! lol lol lol