Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Little Bit of THAT on a Three-Dog Night

I laugh. Mood: quiet. How could it NOT be?? Hubby is out of town AGAIN for work, and I can't sleep. Even the three DOGS are all down for the night."THAT". What is "a little bit of that"???

Keith finished his triathlon as I mentioned last. Can't believe I haven't posted here since Sunday. But it's been tiring. Keith's race had us away for the weekend & up early both days. With the time change, we were out while it was still dark, too. Eerily beautiful with the rolling hills, low-lying fog, and haze-ringed moon. I laughed out loud on the drive into the park for the race. I mean, how many nutty people do you think would get up this early just to throw themselves into a 69 degree alligator-stocked lake to swim one mile, only to get out & then bike 17 miles & run 3 more miles??? I think those numbers are right...but even if they're not, they're still crazy numbers at this time of day! The answer...just in case you are about 500 people. What's even MORE amazing is to see how many beat you out there BEFORE the two hours early WE got there. Anybeeehoooova, Keith did a great job!!! He's always so hard on himself. I think anyone who even CONSIDERS doing a triathlon is just amazing...or completely off his rocker! ha! For some reason I always feel a little shocked that people put themselves through this & actually live to tell about it after stumbling across the finish line. Way to go, Love, way to go!!! Give yourself some credit, will ya??? And're so sexy....

Been a busy week. Obviously... since I haven't been writing. This is the last week before our Spring break. Just two more days!!!!! Yipppeeee!!! Trust me, you'll know when it's Friday this week! I just can't WAIT to be off so I Spring cleaning of the entire house. Yep...that's a Spring break for ya, huh?? But that's the reality of it. The irony is that we are cleaning for an inspection so we can adopt a teenager...who will probably return the house to its natural disorder in less time than it took for me to clean it.

What I REALLY can't wait for is summer. The calendar has been changed this year in our school system, so we will have a longer summer. I have SO been looking forward to the time off. Saved parts of my paychecks ahead. (No, teachers DON'T get paid during the summer.) Then today, my AP asked me if I'd teach summer school (or what is politely called camp now). My off-the-cuff reaction was to laugh. I even had the audacity to ask her if she was kidding & why would she even DO that to me...make me feel guilty if I don't teach summer school. I always feel like the kids will miss out if I'm not the one there teaching. Elementary teachers are known for their "just no way to say no" hearts & minds. That's why we are underpaid & often taken advantage of by school boards who ask us to do it...and MORE... for "the children's sake". It never ceases to amaze me how the junior high & senior high school teachers don't get roped into these guilt trips. So have I given my AP (and friend) an answer?? No, not I! Grrrr...

On a funny note...

While I was in a faculty meeting after school, my two youngest kids were waiting for me in my classroom. My youngest son (13) called my older son (20) at his work to ask him how to spell "psycho". Yeah..."psycho". You aren't the only person wondering "what in the heck??" Turns out he was submitting a joke online to a kids' magazine. Laugh for the night: "How did the psycho find his way out of the woods? He used a psychopath." **Har...Har...chuckle...**  That's our boy!

Had a wonderful dinner with my parents & the oldest son tonight. (The other boys were at their father's house.) Mom's chicken jubilee, green bean casserole, freshly baked yeast loaf of bread, salad, and mashed potatoes. Top it off with brownies. Cool idea on the brownies I didn't know about...Pour half the batter in the pan...lay a large chocolate bar in it...pour the rest of the batter in the pan. Bake. Fabulous!

My dad had a mark on his neck. A red line...about 5 inches horizontally. Bless his heart...he tried to chalk it up to Mom giving him a hicky. Sorry. Woozy feeling here thinking about this happening with MY PARENTS who are 69 & 70. Right, Dad...a hicky. Like, I'd fall for that. Turns out he did something even better. Thank goodness, though, he didn't break his neck. See, his driveway slopes & he has those newer trashcans that are huge & you set them out at your driveway with the handle facing the street for the new-fangled garbage trucks to pick up...literally pick up the cans with one of those mechanical arms. Well, the can got to rolling a little faster than Papa was walking behind it. It slid down on its side & my dad slid down with it...and landed head first inside the garbage can. Instant reaction: I laughed my butt off! Then I felt guilty. I just don't always remember that my dad is 70 & could get hurt. He's always been a jogger, weight lifter, and weight lifting coach at his high school. And I still couldn't help but crack up!

I'm so bad!


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