Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Nite Nite Time

Tired. Been a long day. Even longer tomorrow. Middle Son has a field trip that requires him to be AT school by 6:30, which means getting everyone up by at least 5a.m. to be there on  time. And of course, this would be the week that Hubby was sent out of town. Darn...no great coffee in the morning! (Miss ya already, Love...) Anybehoova, I have to be at school at 6:30 (I teach at Son's school) & I have to be there to pick him up at 6:30pm. Sooooo...might as well just stay, huh? EXCEPT...the poor dogs will need to go out. I'll have to go home and THEN go back to work.

Such is life!

So what am I thankful for today?

1. Glad you're home from the hospital, Kimberleigh!

2. Glad Hubby called & said he made it safely to his destination.

3. Just 16 1/2 days left of school!!!! YAAAHOOOOO!!!

4. A roof over our heads.

5. Insurance rebates & the Hubby who worked hard to get it, right, Babe?? ;-> (Short story:Don't move to Florida right now. Insurance & taxes will eatcha up! Thank you, hurricanes!)

Be safe, Love. Come home soon..and most of all...safely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just because we homeschool does not mean that we are anti-school at all. In fact I campaigned for the higher school tax in our community last year. I am just glad that homeschooling is an option for our family.  I love second graders. They are so wide eyed and so full of life.