Friday, July 13, 2007

The World of Rockin' Girl Bloggers

Hmm...Don't know quite what to say. I sort of feel like I'm standing at the internet podium giving an acceptance speech for being myself.

Bea, the Wanderer, was so kind to mention me in her blog on July 10th. I am certainly honored by the nomination, but confess I didn't even realize I'd been nominated until comments were left on my journal.

Being a relative newbie to the blogging world, I actually feel nominated by the ultimate "Guru of All That's Right in Education"! Bea leaves me inspired & in awe at all she accomplishes. I often have had to turn right around to my hubby to show him her latest entries, from a bulletin board idea to poop from the sky...which I still think she hasn't figured out, if I remember correctly. (One of my all-time favs is her chronicles of her butterflies.)

Well, Bea, I feel I need to live up to "being on fire". I've been so bad at keeping up with my blog lately. However, it's due in part to a great cause. We are in the final phases of our adoption of our teens & lots remains to be done here at our home. When we finish, we will have a grand total of 10 kids & 5 grandkids, through combined marriages. And I'm STILL not sure we're finished...(right, baby??..hubby reads my blog, too.)

But without further adieu....Here are the blogs I nominate. If you are nominated, my understanding is that you continue the nominations. Copy the tag & nominate five others. Some of my choices have already been nominated. It just proves how powerful their lives and words are to those around them.

 1. Wanderer (Bea)  ...Just has to go right back to Bea. There are some blogs you just can't miss every time you know there is a posting. For me, it's Bea's. She has such compassion for her students & those around her that she knows. Top that off with her incredible curiousity & "let's-find-out" attitude & you have one of the best teachers I know!   

2. Hestia Home School for Young Wild Women (Kas) ...I love Kas 'cause she's a free spirit & down-to-Earth! She says what she thinks & feels. That's pretty much the way that I am, so I feel I can relate to her. She's also a "lifelong learner" like Bea. I enjoy all the varied tidbits about life & the world classroom that she has to share. From butterfly vulvas & Rex rats, I never know WHAT she'll have up on her blog!

3. XXRoxy MamaXX(Shelly) ...I've just recently had the chance to get to know Shelly better. I found out by happenstance that she lives in the same city I do. And she makes BEAUTIFUL tags. You can see some of them on my blog. You've got to go check out her work! I like her free spirit, too!

4. Hope Floats (Jackie) ...Would you believe that Jackie's blog is the first one I came across??!!! Thanks to her, a whole new world of friends opened up to me! She has shared her ups & downs in life. (Sometimes I think she is too hard on herself.)  I like to think she introduced me to MY "ups" here on J-Land!

5. HORSESHOE BEND (Carlene) ...Carlene was my second friend I met here. Her friendship is important to me because she often reminds me to be thankful for the Love of My Life & to care about the small things. She shares her feelings about her husband & what he meant to her. His passing has led her into a new phase in her life, and I feel I'm learning so much from her because of how she deals with it.

6. LivinginSavannah2 (Gretchen) ...Gretchen taught me how to be more thankful with her Thursday list. She really makes me stop & think with the use of her gentle spirit. And it doesn't hurt that she lives in one of my favorite areas, near my honeymoon spot (Tybee Island)!! ha!

7. I Shaved My Legs for This (Kim) ...No list seems complete without mentioning Kimberleigh. Ravin', shavin' Kim blows me away with her courage & Irish spirit. No one I know has ever gone into full-blown battle with cancer with such spitfire...TWICE!! And boy, does she make you laugh!! How she comes up with some of her spicy descriptions is beyond me!

I know that the informal rule here seems to be that only five people can be nominated. Some...or maybe even most...of mine have already been nominated. But I don't know how to narrow the list down. All of mine are on equal & deserving footing. They are all so very strong in so many different ways. They are mentors, girlfriends, consolers, teachers, counselors, jesters...they are strong, yet gentle...meek, yet confident. They have "overcome"! And did I happen to mention that most are free spirits??!!!

Gotta love women who know who they are, what they want, & how to speak up!

I agree with Bea...and glad to find out there are....rockin' male bloggers. But for now...

HERE'S TO THE GIRLS....diverse, but as one.


Anonymous said...

Jami, great choices !!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much.  That's awesome.  Love, Shelly

Anonymous said...

congrats!!!  And great choices

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you!  ROFL  I was going to name you!!!