Monday, May 21, 2007

A Breath of Fresh Air

Fantastically fun day today.

Hubby is training for a triathlon. Today he wanted to check out where the race is to be held. So we made an hour & a half trip up to Crystal River Beach Park, making only a short stop to pick up a McDonald's.

The beach looked like a relic of the '50s. It had an old block bathhouse, and a sprinkling of skinny picnic tables with the little upside-down V-shaped roofs. Both bathhouse & picnic tables were all painted a bold shade of blue. You couldn't miss them comin' 'round the corner. It was something out of Marguaritaville.

 The sun was out...fluffy clouds skimmed the sky, pushed around by a deliciously cool breeze, usually rare this time in Florida.

Then there was the brown water. According to my dad, this is due to the tanin in the water. All I can say is it didn't look very healthy. It wasn't a really DARK brown. But it still looked disgusting. Didn't detour the hubby, though. He dove in for his 16 minutes of practice...or what he feels is a good quarter mile timed practice. While he swam, I talked to my mom for about an hour & a half about things like what our teens should use to clear up their acne. I believe we spent something like fifteen minutes on that alone. On HER part. Seriously. By that time, hubby was out of the water & trying to save me by loudly proclaiming we ought to take a walk out to the pier. Didn't work, though. Moms are persistant like that. I continued to eye the Sunday paper at a distance, and Hubby teased by holding up my favorite part of the newspaper--the Parade magazine. Eventually, I got off. I love my mom DEARLY, but sometimes when she's on the phone...and at a distance...she talks like we're right there together in a room having a conversation. Please understand...I know it could be worse. Like, not even having your mom around to talk to. So I won't complain loudly. There just always seems to be some kind of comedic value to it, though I'm not sure which comedian would be up to it.

After we relaxed a bit, we decided to check out a restaurant my parents told us about. They spend time up there with their motor home, so they know the area pretty well. Mom insisted we go to Crackers, which she called by a totally different name. (Totally blonde!)  But we found it by her discription. Fortunately...because the food was really good & we happened upon a place to reserve for Keith's triathlon. Finally, we drove back home & took a nap.

Just what I had needed. School is closing down this week for the summer. Our adoption process is speeding up alongside all this. Life is hectic with packing, cleaning, and processing. So it was a perfectly wonderful day, getting away to somewhere DIFFERENT instead of my classroom or the house. No thinking involved. Just quiet time to reflect (yes, even while talking to Mom...) & moments to chat with the hubby on various topics.

A breath of fresh air...a bit of change...

It was good for the body & soul before gearing up again for Monday.

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