Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Dear Friends in Jland,

PLEASE help out Bay Area Greyhound Adoption! It's FREE to you!

Please note in my favorite sites area to the right, there is a search engine listed called Goodsearch. PLEASE use it as your search engine, and please promote it to your friends. Its use is free to you & every time you look for something, BAGA gets a donation.

When you get to Goodsearch...

First, put in your favorite charity: Bay Area Greyhound Adoption, a neutral retired greyhound adoption organization. Then put the subject above it that you are searching.

Then VOILA!!! BAGA gets a penny for every search you do. It's THAT simple! It may seem like so little, but as the saying goes..."every little bit adds up."

Please help BAGA by using the search site, telling your friends, and adding it to your blog. We just want to help these gorgeous creatures! You can check out BAGA by clicking on it in my favorite sites, too.

A lot of homeless greys out there will thank you!

And so will I!!! :-)

Much appreciation,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a greyt idea. :-)

I can't imagine life without my two Greyhounds, who are laying her at my feet, unfortunately afflicted with really bad gas today. LOL